Atheist Society

Lecture Programme
Second Thursday of the month at 8 pm. Unitarian Church Hall, 110 Grey Street, East Melbourne. (Opposite the old Mercy Hospital). Melways Map 2G, D2. Admission free, no prior booking necessary, all welcome. The talk usually goes for 45-60 minutes. A question-to-the-speaker period follows the lecture.

This is an in-person event, and we also host the event on zoom. We sometimes have speakers via zoom, if so they are denoted *. The zoom session is recorded, edited, and uploaded. During the presentation can zoom attendees please mute their mics.
Zoom Meeting ID: 849 9396 1396 Passcode: 946684 (from 13 June 2023 to 12 Dec 2024) link

08 Feb Robert Bender (Humanist)
Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man - 1871   Video
14 Mar John Perkins (Secular Party)
Arab Prophet: Fact or fiction?   Video
11 Apr Michael Sherlock * (Atheist Author)
Wokeism: The New Age Religion   Video
09 May Leslie Allan (Rational Realm)
Freedom of Thought Report - Australia   Video
13 Jun Hein Htet Kyaw (Abu Bakr) * (Burmese Atheists)
Political Buddhism & its oppressions   Video
11 Jul Chris Guest (Victorian Skeptics)
Sphericity: A History  
08 Aug Adam Ford (Futurologist)
Navigating the Path to AI Superintelligence: The Role of Indirect Normativity
12 Sep Rakshith Sridharan * (Rational Thinkers - India)
Religions and their Socio-economic Impact.  
10 Oct John Perkins (Secular Party)
Israel and Islamism: an Indictment of Religion
14 Nov James Fordor (Rationalist Society)
A Critical Thinker's Response to Misinformation
12 Dec Dr Joe Sampson (Humanist)
A Critique of the Biblical God
13 Feb Robert Bender (Humanist)
Darwin Day lecture - TBA  
13 Mar Ian Storey
The Evolution of Cooperation

For those who are happy to accept that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god or gods or the supernatural.

To receive updates and reminders subscribe here

For further information, contact:

John Perkins, Convenor. 0411 143744 Email: here
David Miller, Secretary. Email: here
Mail: PO Box 1111, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia.