11 Feb Dr Mark Newbrook (Linguistics Dept., Monash University)
Old-time Religion. Old-time Language. A look at some outrageous claims
11 Mar David Miller (Existentialist Society)
“Zoroastrian Reformation of the Proto-Vedic Religion, as origins of the Major Concepts of Judeo Christianity”
08 Apr Chantal Babin (Sea of Faith Australia)
Is the ‘New Age’ the New Religion?
13 May Colin Goodwin (Former Registrar, Victorian College of the Arts)
“The New Cosmology and the Search for Meaning
10 Jun John Noack (Carl Jung Society)
Original Christianity: Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria?
08 Jul Ian Fry (Author, The Trouble in the Triangle)
The Conflict in the Middle East: A Challenge to the Concepts of Atheism and Agnosticism?
12 Aug Mark Lucas (Existentialist Society)
The Necessty of Absurd Beliefs
09 Sep Alan McPhate (Humanist Society of Victoria)
“Anaesthetics and Contraception: Religion opposed to Both”
14 Oct Rosalie Tremaine (Musician – Former Teacher)
Tabloid Theology”
11 Nov Neville Ford (Former Engineer – self taught Physicist)
Science is the New Religion
09 Dec Steven Higson (Former Anthroposophist)
“Rudolf Steiner and Tin Gods”