10 Feb Prof Jack Smart (Philosophy ANU & Monash)
“Religion and Ethics”
9 Mar David Miller (Atheist Society)
“The Old Testament was Rejected by the Church of Marcion”
13 Apr Robert Bender (Atheiest Society’)
“Creation Myths in Genesist”
11 May Graeme Lindenmayer (Author, Bonds of Belief))
“How we Fool Ourselves: the Will to Believe and Disbelieve”
9 Jun Rosslyn Ives (Humanist Society of Victoria)
“Humanism and Cultural Evolution”
13 Jul Peter Cuffe (Angst Theatrix)
“The Cosmological Implications of Renaissance Art
10 Aug Andy Blunden (Author, ‘For Ethical Politics’)
“Recognition, Trust and Human Emancipation.”
14 Sep Helen Lawrence (Australian Sceptics)
“Can God and Science Co-exist”
12 Oct Dr Rod Foster (Philosophy, University of Melbourne)
“Could Human Rituals have Biological Foundations”
9 Nov Nick Trakakis (PhD Philosophy Student, Monash University)
“Evil as Evidence Against the Existence of God?”
14 Dec Dick Gross (Author, Godless Gospel)
“Jesus: the Judaic Background”