09 Feb Chris Jones (Victorian Secular Society)
“Warning: Religion is a Health Hazard”
9 Mar Bob Nixon (Australian Skeptics)“The Skeptics $100,000 Challenge is not a ‘Set-up': It’s a Genuine Scientific Test”
13 Apr Graeme Lindenmayer (Author, Bonds of Belief)
“What Atheist’s Believe. What Agnostics Don’t Believe”
11 May Michael Barton< /strong>(Existentialist Society)
“Wittgenstein’s Philosophy: The implications for Atheism”
8 Jun Robert Bender (Humanist Society of Victoria)
“C.S. Lewis and Miracles”
13 Jul James Gerrand (Australian Skeptics and Humanist Society of Victoria)
“Karl Popper’s Improper Science”
10 Aug Steven Higson (Philo Sophia )
“Rudolf Steiner: Fraud or Prophet”
14 Sep Silvio Bonazinga (Atheist Society)“Anarchy, State or Utopia: Night Thoughts on Liberalism”
12 Oct Norman Rothfield (Author)
“The Trial of God”
09 Nov Sean Dooley (Physicist)“Physics and Ultimate Reality”
14 Dec John Noack (Carl Jung Society )
“Medeival Counter-Christianity”