12 Feb John L Perkins (Secular Party of Australia)
Darwin Day – Darwin’s Relevance Today
11 Mar Paul Murchison (Author: ‘Who is this God?’)
Are The Atheists Too Evangelistic?”
08 Apr Robert Bender
The Jehovah Witnesses and Evolution
13 May Tamas Pataki (Author – ‘Against Religion.’)
Some Aspects of the Psychology of Religion
10 Jun Graeme Lindenmayer (Rationalist Society of Australia)
Morality and the Environment
08 Jul Dr. Gideon Polya (Author – ‘Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History’)
Body Count: Global avoidable mortality since 1950
12 Aug Ian Robinson (Rationalist Society of Australia)
No Hope for the Pope: A reply to the attack on Atheism in Benedict XVI’s Encyclical Letter ‘Spe Salvi’ (Saved by Hope)
09 Sep Professor Graham Oppy (Philosophy & Bioethics, Monash University)
The New Atheists and Christian Nationalism
14 Oct Jacinta Cashen (Victorian Council of School Organisations)
Challenges to Secular Education
11 Nov Catherine Deveny (‘The Age’ columnist)
My Conversion to Atheism
09 Dec Wolfgang Eubel (A Melbourne Atheist)
Was J.S.Bach an Atheist?