The Melbourne Atheists….
We can understand why primitive cultures believed that invisible beings
controlled what we now call the elements and natural phenomena. With
access to factual knowledge, there is now no excuse for believing in
gods, fairies or any supernatural concept.
We live in a natural universe with known natural laws. Religion, based on belief in the existence of the supernatural, is dependent on the indoctrination of infants generation after generation, by parents brainwashed in religious cultures.
The confrontations and fighting today provide ample evidence of the unstable nature of societies, which endorse religious beliefs.
Infantile concepts seriously hinder the full potential development of humans in a world with problems that require logical thought.
Atheists find their motive for action in the needs and problems of their fellow citizens and consider that the worship of, or reliance on, imaginary supernatural beings to be a useless waste of time, energy and resources.
Our Philosophy
The Melbourne Atheists recognises scientific method as the only rational means toward understanding reality. To question and critically examine all ideas, testing them in the light of experiment, leads to the discovery of facts.
As there is no scientific evidence for supernatural phenomena, atheists reject belief in ‘God’, gods and other supernatural beings. The universe, the world in which we live, and the evolution of life, are entirely natural occurrences.
No personality or mind can exist without the process of living matter to sustain it. We have only one life – here and now. All that remains after a person dies is the memory of their life and deeds in the minds of those who live.
Atheists reject superstition and prejudice along with the irrational fears they cause. We recognise the complexity and interdependence of life on this planet. As rational and ethical beings we accept the challenge of making a creative and responsible contribution to life.
Our Aims
To encourage and to provide a means of expression for informed free-thought on philosophical and social issues.
To safeguard the rights of all non-religious people.
To serve as a focal point for the fellowship of non-religious people.
To offer reliable information in place of superstition and to offer the methodology of reason in place of faith so as to enable people to take responsibility for the full development of their potential as human beings.
To promote atheism.