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State Library of Victoria, Sunday 22 September 2012
Like all religions,
Islam is false
Why is Islam false? Because for a religion to be true, it is necessary not only that the religion's god exist, but that the record of divine interventions that the religion describes need to actually have happened. They did not, and we know they did not. It is not just that evolution is true and divine creation is false. Archaeological evidence shows that the early bible stories, the passover killing of Egypt's firstborn, the exodus, the conquest of Canaan and so on, never happened. Even though Islam began with the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims claim the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) as their first prophet. Never mind the attempted rewriting of history. Is it history? No. The Prophet Abraham father of the three Abrahamic is mythical, not historical (see archaeologist Finkelstein in The Bible Unearthed). The founding events of these religions did not happen. They are not true. This would still be the case even if gods did exist. Atheism = peace
Don't just believe.
Atheism is the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods or the supernatural. Atheist Foundation of Australia.
John L Perkins
PO Box 6004,
Melbourne 6004
Tel 0411 143744 email