Historical List of "Caliphs"(adapted from Wikipedia)
Leaders and lineages that are not historically attested are in italics. These leaders are known only via the 9th century historicising accounts produced by the Abassids. See Volker Popp, "The Early History of Islam Following Inscriptional and Numismatic Testimony", and "Ugarit to Sammara".

Rashidun Caliphs (8 June 632 - 29 January 661)
Abu Bakr 632 - 634  Father of Aisha, Muhammad's wife
'Umar  634 - 644  Father of Hafsa, Muhammad's wife
Uthman 644 - 656 Husband of Muhammad's daughters, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum
'Ali  656 661 Muhammad's cousin, Husband of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah
Hasan 661 Grandson of Muhammad. Son of 'Ali ibn Abi-Talib

Umayyad Caliphs (661 - 6 August 750)
Mu'awiyah I 661 - 680  Half-brother of Ramla bint Abu Sufyan, Muhammad's wife
Yazid I  680 - 683  Son of Mu'awiyah I
Mu'awiyah II  683 - 684  Son of Yazid I
Marwan I  684 - 685  First cousin of 'Uthman ibn 'Affan
'Abd al-Malik  685 (680) - 705  Son of Marwan I
Al-Walid  705 - 715  Son of 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan
Sulayman  715 - 717  Son of Abd al-Malik and younger brother of Al-Walid I
Umar 717 - 720  Grandson of Marwan I. First cousin of Al-Walid I and Sulayman
Yazid II  720 - 724  Son of 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan
Hisham  724 - 743  Son of 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan
Al-Walid II  743 - 744  Son of Yazid II. Nephew of Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik
Yazid III  744  Son of Al-Walid II
Ibrahim  744 (weeks)  Son of Al-Walid II
Marwan II  744 750  Grandson of Marwan I

Abbasid Caliphs (750 -1258 and 1261 1517)
Al-Saffah 750 - 754 Son of Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdallah
Al-Mansur 754 - 775  Son of Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdallah
Al-Mahdi  775 - 785 Son of Al-Mansur
Al-Mansur 785 - 786  Son of Al-Mahdi
Harun ar-Rashid  786 - 809  Son of Al-Mahdi
Al-Amin  809 - 813  Son of Harun ar-Rashid
Al-Ma'mun 813 - 833  Son of Harun ar-Rashid
'Al-Mu'tasim 833 - 842  Son of Harun ar-Rashid
Al-Wathiq  842 - 847  Son of Al-Mu'tasim
Al-Mutawakkil  847 - 861  Son of Al-Mu'tasim
Al-Muntasir  861 - 862  Son of Mutawakkil
Al-Musta'im 862 - 866  Son of Al-Mu'tasim
Al-Mu'tazz  866 - 869  Son of Mutawakkil
 Al-Muhtadi 869 - 870  Son of Al-Wathiq


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